Eugène Dupré-The Story Of Orpheus & Eurydice

Flower of life mosaic,
Ephesus, Türkiye.
Today’s sharing from the Blue House of Via-HYGEIA-following our publication of ‘Under the Sign of the Infinite’-is another excerpt from the archives of Eugène Dupré related to the teachings of the Brethren of the East, whose central myth was the story of Orpheus & Eurydice. The English translation is by Via-HYGEIA, from the 1933 French original, ‘Orphisme-II’, the end part. From the archives of the Brethren of the East in its Via-HYGEIA dedicated repository.
‘…Actually, on the influence of the stars and the reasoned manner to qualify these influences, Tradition put us in front of two theories: The one of Orpheus, the most ancient one and the one of Pythagoras. There are theories and keys that are older to these but their archaism and their obscure symbolism oblige us to put them aside, as these two keys are the trustworthy echo of their ancestors, the Egyptian and the Syriac-Chaldeo-Hebraic.
Let’s start with the orphic key that is symbolized by the below drawing:
(Note 1: The Seed of Life consists of seven overlapping circles with the same diameter. Six of them are regularly spaced within the seventh, producing a rosette with eighteen lens shaped petals: six smaller ones inside and twelve larger ones outside. Note 2: The Seed of Life, component of the Flower of Life, both key symbols of the Brethren of the East. They are the eastern pendants of the western Rose+)
Orpheus was teaching to his disciples the following truths:
1. Every star vibrates within the melodious chorus of the universe in a just and firm tone.
2. Every planet possesses, in addition of these astral vibrations, local or sidereal vibrations that are decomposed in seven original levels.
3. These vibrations interpenetrate without mixing, the astral predominating over the sidereal.
4. The created beings are materially passive vibrators and psychically active. This is a very important point.
5. Vibrations are divided into three distinct categories: birthing, pending and dying.
6. The vibrations are ruled by three might’s: The harmonic might, the order might and the disorder might.
7. The harmonic might rules the first third that is of the rising. The order might rules the second third, that of the zenith. The confusion might rules the last third, that of the setting.
This is what is meant with Orpheus’s descent into the Hades and Osiris into the Duat.
These vibrations interpenetrate each other without mixing in the action of the first might, they strengthen themselves in the action of the second might and are opposing and mixing in the actions of the third might, hence confusion, death and decay.
The sensible vibrators who are the beings created follow in a passive way these fluctuations from these different vibrations; and in the conflict that opposes these three different might for their preservations, they bear the effects of their vigor, balance and defeat.
To conclude, I will read you the legend of Orpheus and Eurydice :
After having enumerated the seven axioms of Orpheus, I will explain his descent into the Hades. You know mythology. Orpheus was in love with a woman named Eurydice, who died delivering her first child. Orpheus was at loss and wandering in the mountains, taking all kinds of objects he could find around him and making them vibrate, animating them by his breath of his pain to produce an impossible thing, the materialization of resurrection.
After having tried with stones, after having experienced different inanimate material such as tree branches, animal skin or with vibrating instruments, he achieved a perfect understanding of the vibration of the Earth, but he could not manage what he wanted, the material resurrection of his wife, Eurydice.
Orpheus behaving like this, taken by despair, mixed to the harmonious sounds of his lyre his laments and his cries. The active and major mode sounds were mixed with passive and minor mode sounds and an unexpected miracle happened: The doors of the Hades opened and he was invited to get in. He entered into the Hades and immediately was at the first gate, says the legend. A guard comes to him and tells him the conditions: ‘You will see your beloved wife’, he said, ‘ but a one condition: You are not to speak to her’. Orpheus swears on the waters of the Styx that he will comply and Eurydice appears in front of him. He starts venturing deeper into the Hades and a spirit of bliss vibrates in all his being; he feels thrilled. He sees around him fertility and creation manifesting. The hair of Eurydice were efflorescing his face; he is in love. After crossing the second gate of the Hades, he arrives to the Elysian Fields(Champs Elysees). Here it is the place where stillness, life and fertility are in full blossoming and the dead people who dwell in this region say that they are in the paradise of the Hebrews. In the presence of all these marvels, Orpheus feels the contact of Eurydice more and more and his loving exaltation grows, but he is not allowed to speak to her or to have any contact. He crosses the third of the Hades and he feels more and more anxious. The beauties blossom and fade and let the stage to a mournful activity and light.
Orpheus feels in him resistance to arise and he is blaming the guardian of the great entry of the Hades to have forbid him contact and speech to his wife Eurydice. Arrived to the last third of the Hades, his brain is in full rebellion; his arms stretch to reach Eurydice and wants to cease her, and from his mouth words of love escape. Eurydice raises her arms, shouts and falls dead for the second time.
At that moment, Orpheus finds himself in hell and aggressive ghosts are appearing; the harmony and order dissipate and confusion swarms in. Lost and bewildered, this audacious visitor starts to run to escape to the mess and confusion that surrounds him and his is feels himself cast out of the dark pit towards light and created nature. After a time were he was unconscious, Orpheus comes to his senses again, he stands up and the confusion disappears for harmony again; Orpheus takes his lyre and sings an hymn dedicated to harmony, but he does not cry anymore. At the end of his playing and singing, he breaks his lyre so that he does not continue to be in communication with God’ s mysteries.
The legend says that some brothers believe that Orpheus is still alive. I cannot impose you this belief, I just share it with you.
What does Orpheus’s journey mean if not the sun rise, its vibration just and firm at the first third of the day with its vivifying and fertilizing actions; its action of maturity in the life of the second third of the day and its dissociating action at the last third. Do not forget that the sick, those who are terminally ill dye at sunset and never at sunrise. Alike in the Orphic Tradition, the Egyptian Tradition talks about the journey of Osiris into the Hades and if we talk the book of hours of the Leyde Papyrus, you will find the same adventure, similar to the journey of Osiris.
All of this is very important for the study of vibrations and especially the interpretation of the astral harmony. You will see later, when we will start to study, in the 3 or 4 more lessons to come, the relationship that the astral vibrations have between themselves, you will see something strange: When a planet is in a dominant position and acts according to this domination and because of its connection it has with the other planets, it creates a certain state within the stars. This is a very peculiar thing that is generally not taken into consideration, when we try to study a series of influences. It is very important for most of the things that happen.
Our teacher, to demonstrate the accuracy of an harmony would take a guitar, as each planet emits a musical note, he would pluck a few planetary chords and would show us when such and such planet would be in front and their presence would pluck a harmonious chord; but when, on the contrary, there is a para-phony, then it is something unfavorable that must not be followed and can be rectified by using other chords.’


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