Count Cagliostro And The 2 Forty Days Retreats -The Key Source Texts
Frontispiece engraving for the 1791 ‘Biography of Count Cagliostro’,
extracted from the Inquisition file opened at the time of his trial in Rome.
Portrait’s legend says:
‘Of this friend of Humanity recognize his features,
Every day is marked with new blessings,
He prolongates life, he rescue those in need,
The pleasure of being useful is his sole reward.
Today’s sharing from the Blue House of Via-HYGEIA, are source texts describing the ’40 days retreat’ embedded in Count Cagliostro’s Egyptian Masonry’s rituals. Excerpts from: ‘Vie de Joseph Balzamo, a.k.a. the Count Cagliostro‘, 1791 Paris edition-a French translation of the Inquisition file opened at the time of his trial in Rome in 1790. From Page 108 to 115. Then, excerpts from the 1948, ‘Rituels de la Maçonnerie Egyptienne‘, Editions des Cahiers Astrologiques, Paris-itself an edition of a 1845 manuscript. From page 70 to 74. and from page 139 to 142. English working translations by Via-HYGEIA.
Early June, we published ‘Mansour Al-Hallaj: From The ‘Book of Tawasin‘-About Moses & The Forty Stations’ and we thought immediately to Count Cagliostro’s ‘forty days retreat’ and also of Father Lacuria’s ‘Study upon the number 40’. Count Cagliostro was also mentioned in our appendix to a Suhrawardi text: ‘Of The Knowledge Of Things Beyond The Reach Of The Senses’.
The French 1791 translation and edition of the 1790 Inquisition file gives the feeling to be sympathetic to Count Cagliostro even though he is criticizing him in his ‘impartial’ account, but he makes fun of the exaggerations and the witch hunt style the whole trial was set upon. It translates everything, but here and there adds quasi-sarcastic comments and notes contradicting the text itself…and more importantly, provides a wealth of information concerning Cagliostro’s Egyptian Rite, as he had access first hand to the documents gathered by the prosecution, which if they wouldn’t have been published would certainly be stored in some archive of the Vatican in some undisclosed place and lost for a very long time to outsiders’ eyes.
Another example of this method is Gottfried Arnold’s ‘Unpartheyische Kirchen- und Ketzer-Historie’ (‘Impartial History of the Church and of Heresy’), two volumes published in 1699 & 1700, in which he showed more sympathy towards heresy than towards any established Church, or especially the clergy! It is a very much underrated and under-used historical source. As an ‘impartial historian’, Arnold saved a considerable wealth of information and especially, books of many of the so-called ‘heretics’ that were burned with them at the stake or in the many book burnings clergy-from all denominations-performed through their seemingly endless rule of terror. Among many we can discover full chapters devoted to Hiel, David George, David Joris, Paracelsus, Hendrik Niclaes, Antoinette Bourignon, etc… It contains also the very first history of the Rosicrucian movements and an also early impressive account of Jacob Boehme, as the Teutonic philosopher died just a few years earlier in 1624.
So, thanks to the anonymous translator and editor of the ‘biography of Joseph Balsamo, a.k.a. the Count of Cagliostro‘, we have a valid historical portrait of his work and legacy, all that ‘hidden in the obvious‘ of a damning court case report that sent Cagliostro to be locked-up in the fortress of San Leo, where he would ultimately die on 26 August 1795, considered by some a martyr of the Inquisition. The two excerpts that follow after are taken from the 1948 rituals and are originating from a similar source, in essence if not ‘word for word‘! And as a bonus, we offer as in the appendix, an extract from the Group of the Polars’ 1931 bulletin, a formula for an ‘Life Elixir’ ascribed to Count Cagliostro…Bonne lecture, dear friends!
Excerpt number 1 –
From the Inquisition file
…The aim of Masonry, as we have already said at the very beginning of our exposé, consists in the perfectioning of Man, to which it promises to lead its disciples through a moral and physical regeneration, pending that they have reached the degree of Master Mason. To obtain, one or the other, two quarantines (retreat or regimen) are prescribed: A forty days retreat for the first one, and the same for the second one with the addition of a protocol for corporeal care; the practices used for both are a triumphant demonstration of the imposture upon which the whole system is based. The description that follows is enough to prove what we have just declared.
The person aiming to obtain moral regeneration, which means primitive innocence, must choose a very high mountain that he will name, Mount Sinai and upon its peak, he will build a three story loge and he will name it Sion. The upper room will have eighteen square feet, four oval windows on each cardinal sides, with only one hatch to get in. The second story room, will be perfectly circular, without windows and big enough to host thirteen small beds. Only one lamp will hang in the middle and will light it; there will be no unnecessary piece of furniture. This second chamber will be called Ararat from the name of the mountain upon which the Arc landed, as a sign of the rest bestowed to the masons elected by God. The first chamber, finally, located at the ground floor, will have the capacity to be used as a refectory, and there will be around three small closets; two to stock food and all the other necessary things, and the last one to hang the ritual regalia and the masonic and hermetic ritual objects, according to Moses.
When food and all of the necessary items will be gathered, thirteen Masters Masons will then lock themselves up in the mountain loge, without the possibility of stepping out for the duration of forty days, and they will devote themselves to masonic rituals, observing each day the same time schedule: Six hours will be devoted to reflection and rest-three being allocated to prayer and to the universal sacrifice to God Eternal, earnestly dedicating oneself with the outmost heart bursts to the glory of God; nine hours will be devoted to the holy operations, being the preparation of the virgin paper and the consecration of the other ritual instruments- this to be repeated every day; the last six hours will be devoted to conversation and the restorations of both physical and moral strength, spent during the ceremonies. When the thirty-third of the days spent on these ritual workings has been reached, the Master Mason will be enjoying the privilege to be communicating effectively with the Seven Original Angels, and to know the seal and the cypher of each of these immortal beings. Both will be engraved by themselves on a virgin paper, made of a purified lamb skin lined with a silk fabric, or with the back-load of a child born from a Jewish mother and also purified, or finally a paper that was blessed by the founder of the Order. This particular time will last up to the fortieth day, as the ritual workings are closing up, each of the participants will start to benefit from the fruits of this retreat: they will each personally receive the pentagon, the virgin paper, upon which the Seven Original Angels will have engraved their cyphers and seals. Each participant, now duly endowed, has become a master of the Royal Art without the help of any mortal soul; his spirit will be filled by divine fire and his body will become as pure as the most innocent child; his understanding will reach no limits, and his power will be great; he will long for a perfect rest in order to reach immortality and he will be able to say: ‘Ego sum qui sum‘ (I am he who is).
There will be also, besides the sacred pentagon described above, seven different others, each new consecrated participant will dispose of, to gift seven other persons-man or woman-of his choosing: these lesser pentagons will bear the seal and cypher of one of the Seven Orignal Angels only; the owner of such pentagon cannot command all seven angels but only the one whose seal and cypher is engraved on the pentagon and his command will not be ‘In the name of God‘ like the possessor of the first pentagon, but ‘in the name of the Grand Master‘ wo had gifted the single sealed and cyphered pentagon; he will operate through his own power, but he will ignore its principle.
Now, lets examine how regeneration, or physical perfection operates, by which a person who has obtained it can reach 5557 spiritual years, or extend his healthy and serene life until it pleases God to withdraw it back to him. The person who aspires to such a perfection must, every fifty years, retire, when it is the May full moon, to the country side with a brother; and there in a isolated cottage he will take a room with an alcove where a bed is set, he will suffer, for the time of forty days, the most austere diet. With minimum eating, and only light soup made of refreshing and laxative herbs, and having only, as water to drink, distilled water or collected water from rain that fell during the month of May. Each meal will start with fluids, a drink and will end with solid matter, a biscuit or a bread crust. At the seventeenth day of this retreat, after having taken a bit of blood, the person will ingest some white pills, of which we do not explain here the composition, and he will take six of them in the morning, and six in the evening, increasing by two every day until reaching day thirty-two.
Then, another bloodletting will be performed at dusk; the day after, the person will lie on the bed and stay there until the end of the forty days retreat, and there, he will swallow the first grain of First Matter. This grain is the same God created to make Man immortal, and of which he lost the knowledge due to sin; he may acquire it back only through a favor of God Eternal, and through masonic workings. When this grain is ingested, the person who aspires to be rejuvenated loses consciousness and speech for three hours; and amid convulsions, he will experience a great sweat and loss of fluids. After the person has regained consciousness and that his bed was cleaned and given new sheets, he must restore his being by drinking a soup made with one pound of fat-free beef mixed with regenerative herbs apt to make him strong again. If such a meal does its effect, the next grain of primal matter is given to him with a bowl of soup, which besides the effect of the former, will provoke a great fever with side effects such as delirium, he will lose his skin, hair and teeth. The next day, which is the thirty fifth, if the person is strong enough, he will take a bath of a water neither cold neither warm. On the thirty-sixth day, he will take with a glass of old and spicy wine the third and last grain of primal matter that will make him fall into a sweet sleep; this is when hair grows back again, the teeth to germinate back, and the skin to heal. When the person has come back to his senses, he will take a bath of normal water in which some niter (potassium nitrate) has been infused. After the bath, he will first put on his clothes and walk inside the room; and on the thirty-ninth day, he will swallow ten drops of the Grand Master’s balm put in two spoons of red wine; on the fortieth day, he will leave the cottage, completely rejuvenated and perfectly regenerated.
In order to be complete, we should not forget to say that both forty days retreats can also be prescribed to women, whom are invited to retreat to a mountain or to the country side, with the sole company of a friend, who will provide all the necessary help, especially during the upheavals of the corporeal cure.
This is the framing of the whole Egyptian Masonry’s system. We have only showcased here its skeleton, to comply with our need for brevity that we have affixed ourselves, and for providing a context to the following story we are now about to tell.
Two skilled theologians did recently a scholarly and careful censorship of this system and it gives us a very clear understanding of it, where all important aspects have not been left out. We will say, in summary, that in the texts and in the practices, everything soaks impiety, superstition and blasphemy! It gathers in itself the worst of common free-masonry, but also it lurs men with a foolish seduction, flattering them with its physical and moral regeneration; finally, it attacks, frontally and without mystery, the core fundamentals, the most solid precepts and dogmas of our Catholic religion.
Excerpt number 2 –
from ‘Rituels de la Maçonnerie Egyptienne’-
Catechism of The Master of the Egyptian Loge
About Mostly The First Forty Days Retreat And A Wee bit About The Second
Q: What does the sacred pentagon engraved on the paper according to the Royal Art mean?
R: This pentagone is the fruit and the great work of moral regeneration by the means of the forty days retreat all God’s true Elects must accomplish. During that time, we follow the twenty four hours distribution.
Six are devoted to reflection and rest.
Three hours are devoted to prayer and to the holocaust to the Eternal (Sacrifice to God).
Three times three hours, or nine hours are devoted to sacred ritual workings.
The last six hours are devoted to conversation between participants, and for the restauration of all the energy spent, both at the physical and the moral levels.
D: What does this pentagon represent?
R: Enoch, Elias and Moses knew it, and the later at the time when he left Egypt, and after completing his journey through hardship and tiredness, He selected a small number of people chosen by the voice of the Angel of the Lord, and he led them upon the high mountain, Mount Sinai. It is with them that he underwent the forty days retreat and that he was able to form and perfect the sacred pentagon, written and engraved with the names and the numbers of the Seven Original Angels; This is why, when the Scriptures are telling us that when Moses withdrew himself on this mountain, he ordered Aaron to stay below and to guard it well, in order to prevent the people from Israel, either by pride or by curiosity, from disrupting his retreat. He brought this sacred pentagon to confirm the Eternal’s Might, to make truth known and give the proof of the great power entrusted to Man.
There were also many other elected favored by God, as much as Moses was, that I can tell you about, but I will content myself in telling you that after having completing this great operation, it is strictly impossible to be tempted, ‘qui potest capere, capiat.’ (Understands who can).
D: When do you mean by not being tempted anymore?
R: As soon as a man possesses the sacred pentagon, there is no need anymore for the cubic or triangular stone, or to change stones into bread.
Man aspires then only about a perfect rest in order to reach immortality and to be able to say: ‘Ego sum qui sum’ (I am he who is).
D: How to you use the six hours devoted to reflection and rest?
R: We leave each Elect to enjoy himself, either by meditating alone, or either by restoring the physical part through sleep, or finally to give relaxation to the activity of the moral part.
All ritual workings are suspended during these six hours.
D: What do we do during the three hours devoted to the holocaust to the Eternal?
R: We pray God, we adore Him and we beg Him to cast out of our moral and physical parts any impurity. The Apprentice catechism of the Egyptian Loge teaches us this prayer and also the sacred invocation, and the commandment to be done to the Seven Original Angels in order to acquire the knowledge of the true names and cypher, according to the Royal Art.
D: How are spent the three times three hours, or the nine hours devoted to the sacred operations?
R: These nine hours, divided in three parts, are used for the preparation of the virgin paper and also the other instruments that need to be consecrated every day, so to be able to use them and present them on the thirty-third day in the special room built completely anew to serve the purpose of this great operation.
D: How are the last six hours used?
R: They are devoted to recreation, to any needed debrief between participants, to prepare according to the method of the Ancients the different colors that are necessary every day in our workings, and finally, to provide care and support to any of the participants’ needs.
D: What is the place chosen for this important retreat?
R: We must prefer the most elevated place, and if it is possible, a remote and elusive uninhabited mountain, hidden from the gaze of common people; we will build there a loge, according to the required rightful proportions; We ought to never tell to anyone when we will be going there for our retreat.
It is essential to gather there, in advance, all the necessary things, such as the instruments of the Royal Arts as conceived by Moses, the furniture, cutlery, clothes and garments, etc…
D: What do you mean by the instruments of the Royal Art?
R: They are the different objects we use, such as the yellow silk sheet-of which you will discover the importance and necessity when you will be instructed of the specifications of how we ought to build the retreat loge and its dedicated instruments of the Royal Art.
D: How will this mountain loge be called?
R: Its name will be Sion. To reveal that is was on that very mountain God chose to reveal Himself to Humanity.
D: I implore you, could you to tell me in every detail everything about this loge and give me all of its dimensions?
R: This loge must be built especially for the purpose of the great operation, and destroyed after it is completed. It consists of three stories.
The upper room, on the third floor, must be designed as a perfect square of eighteen feet in height, length and width.
Four windows placed in the middle of each sides will be of an oval shape of three feet high and four of width.
There will be a hatch to access this upper room, and it will be made in such a way that a man alone can open it and close it at will. This upper room will be completely of a white color, without any other.
The second room, on the middle floor, will have no windows; it will be perfectly circular, and of a sufficient length to contain thirteen little beds, exclusively for the rest of the twelve elects and their leader.
There will be a lamp in the middle; the room will be furnished with just the bear necessity.
When the third room will be destroyed, this second chamber will be name ‘Ararat‘ to proclaim that the Ark landed on this mountain, and that perfect rest is the destiny of God’s elects.
The first room, on the ground floor, will be spacious enough to serve as a refectory; it will be surrounded by three pantries; two will be used to stock food and all other necessary items; the third one will be used to stow all the instruments and tools to be used in our ritual operations.
If possible, we ought to organize that there will be running water, because once entered the loge, nobody is allowed to exit until the completion of the forty days retreat’s operations.
D: What is the expected result of this great operation?
R: The result consists in our soul being exalted, our heart set ablaze by our love for God Eternal and is overwhelmed by gratitude for our Order’s founder, as we learn the last mysteries he allowed to reveal.
After the thirty-third day and up to the fortieth, the Supreme Being grants to the participants the invaluable favor to communicate visibly with the Seven Original Angels, and to know the seal and cypher of these immortal beings, that will be engraved for each of them on a virgin paper.
The great operation having been completed, the man who was blessed enough to be part of the chosen Elects, reaches the acme of glory and happiness. He becomes a master and a leader, without the help of any mortal. His spirit will be filled by divine fire; his body will be as pure as the most innocent child; his understanding without limits; his power vast. He will contribute to spread truth all around the globe and, finally, he will have a perfect knowledge of the great chaos, of good as much as evil, from all times, past-present and future. The Elect that has completed this retreat, besides the sacred pentagon he is bestowed with, covered with the seven seals and cyphers of the Seven Original Angels, also obtains seven other pentagons he can dispose of to gift seven people, men and women, of his choosing and liking. Each of these seven pentagons will have on a virgin paper the seal and the cypher of only one of the Seven Original Angels; and the receiver will be able to invoke and communicate only with the one Angel whose seal and cypher was allocated to him.
Each of these seven persons will have the prerogative to act and operate in full commanding powers to the Seven Original Angels and all of the hierarchies; but under the restriction mentioned in the first catechism regarding the distinction of the three Philosophies.
The perfect Elect owns the first power (the pentagon with the seven seals and cyphers) and command to the immortal ‘in the name of God‘, but to those he gifted the one-angel seal and cypher pentagons, they can only use but its secondary power which is limited, as it can only act and command ‘in the name of the Grand Master‘, using a power he ignores the principle, as it is exposed in details in the catechism of the Apprentice.
D: Would you be so kind in telling me how the physical regeneration is achieved?
R: By a similar retreat of forty days. We lock ourselves up during that time with a friend and we follow the prescribed regimen given by our founder: three intake of three grains of primal matter and we find ourselves fully regenerated.
D: What is the result of this operation?
R: The ‘old man‘ disappears and the new one starts his career. This regeneration is renewed with success every fifty years, until it pleases God to recall you back to Him.
D: Is there an example of such a regeneration?
R: Yes, the Scriptures tells us about Moses, who after a retreat of forty days and forty nights on mount Sinai to make the sacred pentagon, went back there a second time and stayed also forty days and nights.
The Scriptures tell us also that after that second absence, Moses came back with a face so shining that nobody could sustain its brightness and people were obliged to cover their face with a veil; the mystery of this enigma is that in the second retreat, Moses locked up with his friend Hur regenerated himself physically, and upon his return his face was so rejuvenated and changed, that in order to hide this marvel to the people, he spoke or communicated with them only by putting a veil on his head.
Excerpt number 3 –
From ‘Rituels de la Maçonnerie Egyptienne’-
Catechism of The Mistress of the Egyptian Adopted Loge
About The Second Forty Days Retreat
D: I beg you, in order to complete my instruction, to tell me in all details the prescribed regimen and use of the ’40 days retreat’ for the regeneration and physical immortality.
R: An Elected Mistress must be assisted by a true friend and lock herself up in a country-side house, with a room with windows orientated due south; two beds are placed in that room in an alcove, out of reach of the air from the windows. The Elected Mistress due to be regenerated ought not to leave this room, her friend will have had prepared in advance all the necessary items, let it be food, rags and clothes, but also ingredients for the preparation of the First Matter. The operation must start at the month of May’s full moon; food will consist for the first sixteen days of light soups with soft, refreshing and laxative herbs. Every meal will start with a liquid and ends with a solid; the later must be a biscuit or a crust of bread; the former must be distilled water, or even better, water collected from rain fallen during the month of May; this water must be preserved in great demijohns, or large varnished clay pots and it would be ideal if it had rested 24 or 48 hours in a cooler so to impregnate it with its nitrous part. This water will be used for the soups, drinks, etc…Eating should be moderate and one will leave the meal with still a little appetite. In this regimen, anything sour, salty, spicy or too sweet is to be avoided, especially sour wines, fresh or salty meat, aromatic herbs, etc…
On the seventeenth day, at the breaking of dawn, a little blood will be taken, followed by the intaking of the white drops, diluted into two spoons of water, five (V) in the morning and six (VI) in the evening; the day after, seven (VII) and eight (VIII) in the evening, and so on, adding a drop morning and evening until the thirty-second day, another bloodletting will be done up to two measures (deux palettes de sang) at dusk.
On the thrity-third day, the Elected Mistress will lie down on bed and will not move from there until the end of the retreat. She will intake with the water of her drink a grain of First Matter and will cover herself; her friend will know in advance that she will loose consciousness and speech within three hours and will bear violent nervous convulsions; her sweating will be copious and fluids will exit from all of the parts of her body. Having regained consciousness and after getting some strength back, her friend will wipe her body and help her to change bed, taking the most precautions to avoid taking too much air, which would be dangerous and severely proscribed, at the time of the cleaning of the person, or at the time of the sweating. The second bed in the alcove will be prepared with the necessary sheets and blankets; it will be ready, when the Elected Mistress will change her clothes. Her friend having help her to lie in it, she will give her a bowl of soup, made of a pound of beef, without fat or bones, with refreshing and laxative herbs, to which can be added to make it more tonic some celery, a pinch of balm and a few leaves of rosemary.
The Elected Mistress now, having recovered, her friend will give her the day after, on the thirty-fourth day, a second grain of First Matter in a cup of soup; soon after she will lose consciousness again and the convulsion will be stronger than the earlier ones, but they will cease, she will enjoy six hours of a sweet and peaceful sleep that will still bring some important sweat. Her friend will, from that moment on, be even more vigilant; any breeze of wind would be dreadful; she will, from time to time, wipe her face with a fine linen; the hair in front and the skin will start to detach; the helper will have to take her bonnet in a very gentle manner; if her friend moves her lips, she will put a finger to help the teeth to come out and they will all fall out. Among the care that she is providing her friend, she will let her friend sleep as much as nature requires. When she will wake up, she will be agitated and with a violent fever, even prone to delirium. If she will be thirsty, water shall be given; if she feels weak, a bowl of soup will be swallowed. This fever attack will last around six hours; when it stopped, the carrer will help the Elected Mistress to change bed and clothes. If the person feels strong pain in the gums, they will be massaged with a liquid balm.
On the thirty-fift day, if the Elected Mistress is strong enough to take a bath, one will be taken in the morning with aromatic and tonic herbs; she will stay in it for an hour with continuously water from the bath in a bucket poured on her head. This bath will have the heat of milk, neither hot, neither cold. After the bath the Elected Mistress will get back on the bed and stay there for a day.
On the thirty-six day, no remedies is given and the person stays in bed.
On the thirty-seventh day, the last intake, the third grain of First Matter will be given in a glass of soup, or if nature orders it, in a glass of an excellent stomachic old vine. The sleep it will induce will be very pleasant, without any agitation. Hair, teeth will start to grow back; attention will be given to not interfere during that sleep, even allowing the Elected Mistress to wake up by herself. When this happens, another bath come timely, this time with aromatic herbs lasting for an hour; after the Elected Mistress will get back to bed to help nature, assuming it may need more growing and sweating. After that, when the Elected Mistress feel hungry, a little soup can be given.
On the thirty-eigth day, the Elected Mistress will take for an hour a bath with normal water in which a pound of niter will be dissolved. After this bath, she is allowed to wear her clothes, and if she wishes to, can do a little exercise, but only in the room, without going outside in the fresh air.
Then, on the thirty-ninth day, drops of liquid balm may be given in two spoons of red wine and the Elected Mistress is now allowed to venture outside in the garden, but slowly, without making herself tired or with any violent exercise, until she has recovered enough strength and is accustomed to fresh air again.
The Elected Mistress will be grateful to God for His new creation and both herself and her friend will pronounce a solemn oath to keep the profound secret upon the mystery of this regeneration.
On the fortieth day, they will leave the house and the newly Regenerated Mistress will see fit how to promote truth in the world, crush vices, destroy idolatry and spread God’s glory.
Every fifty years, she can renew the same operation, until it pleases God to take her back to Him, ‘per omnia saecula saeculorum‘.
These are, my Sister, the great and important instruction our Great Founder deemed fit to kindly give me; and I will finish like him in repeating these words:
‘Love your neighbor wholeheartedly; respect and cherish my laws; fulfil meticulously your duties they dictate; may those very duties always be present to your Consciousness! FIAT UT DEUS!‘
French Originals
Excerpt number 1
Excerpt number 2
Excerpt number 3
The Group of the Polars –
‘Count Cagliostro’s Life Elixir’
January 9, 1931
Here is the formula of Cagliostro’s ‘Life Elixir’, formula that was communicated to us through the Oracle of the Astral Force:
‘Mix two spoons of orange tincture in a liter of grape wine absolutely pure. This wine, being thus prepared will stay a night under the stary night, in a metallic container. Avoid metallic enamel. The the wine must be subject to the following magnetic treatment: 3 persons will ‘form a chain’ around the container, which has good conductive properties, and they will communicate their magnetic current to the wine that will be saturated by it. Depending upon the magnetic strength of the persons ‘forming the chain’, the wine could acquire qualities more or less efficient, sometimes even miraculous. Cagliostro did not need a ‘chain’: with is sole magnetic current, he would succeed in rising sparkles out of the wine and its container. This wine must be drank in very little doses: a small glas used to drink Bordeaux wine after the main meals. Cagliostro advised this particular wine to orators and to singers. We advise this wine to all those who seek new energy to pursue the ceaseless struggle-struggle which became necessary because of the unbalance of modern life.’
February 9, 1931
We gave in our last bulletin, the formula of Cagliostro’s ‘Life Elixir‘ as it was given to us by wise men. Now, we will briefly give some explanations of a practical point of view:
First, we ought to attract the attention of the reader upon the purity-the absolute purity- of the wine used for the experiment. This wine to which a tincture of orange was added, in the proportions indicated in the formula, is then exposed a whole night to a starry sky. It is about the well known action of the stars upon liquids, and especially wine.
We then move to the most important operation, the ‘magical chain’. This chain must be composed of three persons; and of their magnetic strength depends the curative efficiency of the Elixir. What was communicated to us was very clear about this. Therefore, we ought to chose three persons, that are healthy, magnetically strong and of a elevated level of spirituality. It is in fact the ‘vital’ fluid of the operators that is communicated to the wine, which is solely a condensing vehicle of the physiological and psychical vibrations of the person composing the chain. The ‘vital’ fluid is fixed in this ‘vehicle’, here the wine, and it will be transmitted by a magnetic process of assimilation to the person who will absorb the Elixir.
Let us add here to be complete, that the elements (the persons) composing the chain must be convinced of the efficiency of this ‘magical’ operation they are-depending of their degree of sensibility-at the same time the active and the passive mediums, because they reinforce their own vibrations with the ambiant vibrations in synchronicity with their own. Therefore, they are receiving subject and transmitting subjects at the same time.
We also want to underline, without fearing the sceptics or strong minded people who without any doubt will jump to the occasion to argue that, in this case, it is a case of auto-suggestion. We could agree with them if the person who asks from the ‘Life Elixir’ renewed strength must certainly have faith; but, here it is not the case. On the other hand, if we have said that the persons composing the chain must be convinced of the reality of the ‘magical’ operation that are performing, it is because ‘faith’ allows an magnified radiation and provokes a sublimation of the magnetic vibrations in the process of any magical operation. Further more, it allows-by a vibratory hypertension made by the ‘evocative’ nature the subject is within-to augment his magnetic strength by ‘capturing’ the external vibratory forces, that come to considerably re-inforce its magnetic strength. Faith, therefore, is neither necessary to blind the experimenter, nor to obnubilate his critical judgement, but, simply to increase the magnetic strength: Strength of which depends the efficiency of the Elixir.
We ought not to forget that bare skepticism is an uncrossable barrier obstructing any experimentation of a psychic nature.
French Original
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