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Kitchen Diary

Prep: Green Leaves, Veggies & Fruits

| Nalan for Hygeia

Cover Photo by Scott Rodgerson on Unsplash

If the green leaves, vegetables and fruits we buy are not certified organic they unfortunately contain a lot of pesticides. The EWG Working Group (Environmental Working Group, publishes every year a list of “The Dirty Dozen and the Clean Fifteen”. If it is possible we should buy the dirty dozen from an organic supplier, while it is not necessary that the products on the clean fifteen list are organic.

Since we all know that it is difficult to access organic food for some reasons (financial budget, difficulty in having access locally, etc.) we should prepare especially the products on the dirty dozen list before processing them. We do this for all the herbs, vegetables and fruits we buy.

🌀 First Step: Put the products in 1 liter of water enriched with 2 tablespoons of baking soda, let them sit for 10 – 15 minutes. Then rinse the products with water. Thus, agricultural poisons are disposed of.

🌀 Second Step: Put the products in 1 liter of clean water enriched with 2 tablespoons of vinegar, let them sit for 10 – 15 minutes. Then rinse the products thoroughly with water. With this process, harmful pathogens are dissolved in water. Spread them on a cotton cloth and wait for them to dry.

🌀 Third Step: Wrap them into cotton cloths and put them into the refrigerator in a box.

This may seem like a long process, but by doing the preparation all products are as neat as possible and you have the materials ready to be processed for a week.

Notes on the 2nd image by Hygeia – In order to talk about corn as a clean food it has to be w/o GMO

Compilation: Hygeia

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